Planning for how to maintain and protect your health in a disaster or emergency is an important but often overlooked part of the preparedness process. While 80 percent of respondents to FEMA’s 2019 National Household Survey said they had gathered enough supplies to last three or more days, just 48 percent said they had an emergency action plan. Involve your entire family in planning and practicing how to stay healthy, informed, calm, and connected during an emergency.
Know how to maintain and protect your family’s health and wellness.
Discuss ways to communicate with family, friends, and caregivers.
Practice ways to stay calm, cool, and collected in an emergency.
Find sources of reliable health and emergency information.
More than a collection of names and phone numbers, an Emergency Action Plan is your user guide for how to stay healthy, informed, calm, and connected in an emergency. Below are some of the simple things you can do to start on a plan for your family. Remember to review your plan every six months and to update it as necessary; for example, if you move, change jobs, add to your family (i.e., a child or a pet), or experience another significant life event.
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